Wednesday, May 22, 2013



 1. Gum/Mints: One should always have breath mints or gum at hand just in case you forget to brush your teeth in the craziness of making sure that your kids brush theirs. You always want to have something on hand. Or maybe for that co-worker who likes to talk a bit too close to your face and is unaware of how tart his/her breath is, offer one-being polite of course!

2. Pack of tissue& Handkerchief: Must always have a pack of these in your handbag. Instead of carrying a roll of tissue paper, you can look out for these small, cute easy to carry tissue packs.

3.Sanitary Towel: Having unexpected flow  or a surprise visit on you can be awkward at the best of times, so make sure you're always prepared with pads or tampons better still, you can lend a sister a hand when she gets into trouble

4. Make up: Lip gloss Compact powder: Call us vain but you'll thank us later when you're the one to realize you've got some food stuck in your teeth and  this is handy, and comes with a mirror to ensure you can always powder your nose between meetings, and breaks. Look your best, all the time! Lip gloss to add moisture and maintain that lasting and luscious smile. (Not the whole make up purse itself!)

5. Hand Sanitizer: Ladies! And Men! This little item will become your best friend. it is a must have for every lady, and ensures that your hands are germ free every time- Hand sanitizer is very much needed for those who use public transportation to get to work or who work in an environment where you are interacting with customers on a daily basis (in a retail environment or something similar). Then there are those public restrooms that don't have soap in the dispensers. Whenever you don't have access to soap and water, Hand Sanitizer is your best bet. Hand Cream: To keep your hands silky smooth, moist, well managed, all the time.

6. Nail file: Fact: a broken nail will catch on everything. Plus, nail files are pretty handy and make your nails look presentable!

7. Perfume: Always have a small bottle with a sample of your favorite scent... and give people something (nice) to remember by leaving a first and lasting impression!

8. Hair Stuffs: (Hair Bands:  Sweaty hair plastered to your forehead just isn't a good look. Always keep a hair elastic in your wallet not RUBBER BANDS PLEASE!( along with some bobby pins) in case you need to pull together an emergency up-do especially with the heat in these parts. Hair brush / Comb: Depending on the hair style you’re wearing, always have a handy hair brush or comb in your bag. This way, you’re never stuck in a rut, and you can always amend a bad hair day.

9. Safety Pin: For accidental zips, and popping buttons, you don’t need to panic when a safety pin is handy

10. Wallet:  A handy place for putting your money instead of stuffing into corners of your handbag and Keep a strip of Panadol or Neurofen in your purse for everything from headaches to abdominal pain… you know what I mean.


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